Scaling Conversations: How leaders access the full potential of people

I came across this book because GoodReads recommended it. I trusted the algorithm and I am so glad that I did. Over the past 30 years I have been working in the “insights” field. I have been on the client side, commissioning research to answer internal questions and help to craft multiple efforts, large and small. On the supplier side, I leverage my client experiences to connect solutions to get clients what they needed. Over the past 30 years it has always, yep always, been a challenge to orchestrate the balance of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to achieve a valuable result. Dave Macleod also had the pain of these two complementary yet unfriendly methodologies and has solved it with his SaaS solution, .

Throughout the book Dave presents an entertaining narrative of the journey through trying to truly understand people and how to do it at scale for teams, companies, or communities.

💡 How Leaders Access the Full Potential of People  delivers invaluable strategies for how leaders can make their communications more inclusive and access the voices of those employees who rarely feel empowered to speak up. As constituent numbers scale, leaders have traditionally struggled to make communications a conversation with the entire organization, settling instead for small focus groups, talking at people in town halls, and delivering surveys after the fact. The result is exclusive, narrow decision-making that disengages and under-utilizes talent and human capital. And now, as the remote environment grows, the challenge and imperative for engaging conversations on a wider scale is even greater.


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