The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work

The Profit Paradox describes how, over the past forty years, a handful of companies have reaped most of the rewards of technological advancements--acquiring rivals, securing huge profits, and creating brutally unequal outcomes for workers. Instead of passing on the benefits of better technologies to consumers through lower prices, these "superstar" companies leverage new technologies to charge even higher prices. The consequences are already immense, from unnecessarily high prices for virtually everything, to fewer startups that can compete, to rising inequality and stagnating wages for most workers, to severely limited social mobility.

I enjoyed the book although it was very academic and while there are ideas to address the issues in the macro perspective I am not sure that anything will change. A change would only come from the status quo not being acceptable for the actors and I don’t see any signals of that happening.


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