Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

The third book by Gary Vaynerchuk and I highly recommend that you read Crush It and The Thank You Economy. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook builds on the concepts of the first two books.

My first highlight from this book is "Content is king, but context is God. You can put out good content, but if it ignores the context of the platform on which it appears, it can still fall flat."

The main argument of this book is that modern marketing (it was true in 2014 and is still true in 2020) is that much of what is put out in the way of advertising and paid social is trying to close the sale on the first interaction. In Gary's brash approach he says it is like a brand trying to be a 17-year-old, trying to laid on the first date. Brands should take time to connect with customers and create a relationship before they ask for the sale. That is the idea behind all the Jabs - create content, share information, engage and understand the customer and then Right Hook, hit them with your sales pitch. This is also the argument made in The Challenger Sale (Amazon Link). In the Challenger Sale, the Sales Executive Council goes into more detail of the Lone Wolf, Problem Solvers, Relationship Builders and Challengers. Their argument is that Challengers will help your clients by pushing back and putting the solution in the greater context of what the customer is trying to accomplish. Ultimately the challenger reaches a 'trusted advisor' status with the client. In much the same way, Gary V makes the argument in this book that ALL marketing should strive for this, and thus, they need to Jab several times before they hit the customer with the right hook.

Here is the Amazon link to the book.


Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!


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