Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

Cathy O'Neil is a great storyteller, breaking down the impact of algorithms on our daily lives.

Models are opinions embedded in mathematics.

Ill-conceived mathematical models now micromanage the economy, from advertising to prisons. These WMDs have many of the same characteristics as the value-added model that derailed Sarah Wysocki’s career in Washington’s public schools. They’re opaque, unquestioned, and unaccountable, and they operate at a scale to sort, target, or “optimize” millions of people. By confusing their findings with on-the-ground reality, most of them create pernicious WMD feedback loops.

Here is the Link to the Amazon book.


How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life


The Design of Everyday Things