How the World Really Works: The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where We're Going

The author does a good job of connecting the dots across all the interrelated aspects of changes. He explores topics like the change to solar energy and several technological advancements. I enjoyed the thought exercises that his approach takes. He puts into perspective the larger impacts and needs that the world has… so when we think, I have gone solar or electric cars, but what is the energy need of the world, and how do electric cars solve the transportation needs beyond just getting me to the grocery store and train station.

Some (I have so many highlights I just can put them all here) from my Kindle highlights;

“A category mistake—erroneously assigning to something a quality or action that is properly attributable only to things of another category—is behind the frequent, but deeply mistaken, the conclusion that in this new, electronically enabled world, everything can, and will, move much faster.”

“first time in history, require a truly global, as well as a very substantial and prolonged, commitment. To conclude that we will be able to achieve decarbonization anytime soon, effectively and on the required scales, runs against all past evidence.”

“This raises the extraordinarily difficult problem of intergenerational justice—that is, our never-failing propensity to discount the future.[59] We value now more than later, and we price it accordingly.”

“The future will emerge from our accomplishments and failures, and while we might be clever (and lucky) enough to foresee some of its forms and features, the whole remains elusive even when looking just a generation ahead.”

Here is the LINK to the AMAZON Book


Come Up for Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools to Stop Drowning in Work


Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention