Non-Obvious: How to Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future

This book is a great book to get you thinking beyond the surface and provides several examples. You don't need to be a futurist to get value from reading it.

"Remember that hard data can often be less important than really good observation"

I use what I learned in this book with every client and user interaction. Thinking about what is not being said and what other systems or processes are upstream or downstream from what I am working on. It helps me to probe into non-obvious areas and if there isn't a big insight there is always a better contextual understanding.

Another highlight that I have from the book is "curation is only valuable if you follow the act of collecting information with enough moments of “quiet contemplation” to truly understand what you are seeing and collecting."

Much of book is focused on finding the seeds that are going to affect a larger change in the future and if you are a futurist this book is written for you. For the rest of us it is a great perspective on how to see things from another point of view.

Here is the link to the book on Amazon.


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